Martin was an American television sitcom that aired for five seasons on Fox from August 27, 1992, to May 1, 1997. Set in Detroit, Michigan the series starred Martin
Lawrence in the role of Martin Payne, a disc jockey with a girlfriend named Gina Waters (Tisha Campbell). Martin works for the fictional radio station WZUP and later
for local Public-access television station Channel 51. A common theme of the series is Martin's selfish and free-spirited nature. Episodes often center on Martin's
inappropriate behaviors and incessant smart mouth towards his friends, neighbors, and whoever else finds themselves in his presence. When all is said and done,
however, Martin loves his family and friends - it just takes dire situations for him to show it. As the series progressed, plotlines saw Martin eventually move on to
become the host of the talk show Word on the Street, which aired on the small Detroit public-access television station Channel 51. He retained this position until the
series' final episode, in which he and Gina prepared to move to Los Angeles, from where his show would be syndicated nationally. The move coincided fortuitously with Gina's promotion
by her boss Mr. Whitaker to head up his company's new Los Angeles headquarters, after having shut down the Detroit office. Gina's best friend Pam, whom Whitaker let go two episodes
earlier due to this consolidation and downsizing, went on to pursue a career in the music industry as an artists & repertoire (A&R), executive at Keep It Real Records. And at series' end,
Cole proposed to his even more dimwitted, but attractive and devoted girlfriend Shanise (portrayed by Maura McDade), and they made plans to move into their own place.