Eve's Bayou was a 1997 American Southern Gothic drama film. Eve Batiste, a 10-year-old girl, lives in a prosperous Creole-American community in Louisiana with her
younger brother Poe and her older sister Cisely in the 1960s. Their parents are Roz and Louis, a well-respected doctor in the African American community who claims
descent from the French who founded the town. One night after a party, Eve accidentally witnesses her father having sex with a family friend, Matty Mereaux. However,
Cisely, who has a close relationship with her father, convinces Eve that she misread it. The unreliability of memory and observation is important in the film. The summer
is stressful for the Batiste family. Eve's relationship with her parents is strained as she learn more of her father's infidelity. Cisely fights with her sister and mother as she
hits puberty and tries to navigate the transition to adulthood. Roz suspect her husband's infidelity, confronting him. Eve seeks refuge with her Aunt Mozelle, a Hoodoo
Practitioner. Eve has the spiritual gift of sight too. Cisely tells Eve that one night her father, while drunk, attempted to molest her. Enraged, Eve seeks out witch Elzora to
put a fatal curse on her father. Louis is chatting with Matty Mereaux as her drunken husband Lenny arrives. After a confrontation, Lenny shoots and kills Louis. After her
father's funeral, Eve finds a letter disputing Cisely's accusations. Eve confronts Cisely, using her sight to reveal what really happened. The sisters gazes at the sunset.
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