Twice in a Lifetime was a Canadian mystery/drama televison series that originally aired from August 25th, 1999 to May 30th, 2001, for two seasons. It was created by
Steve Sohmer, and the series aired on CTV in Canada and PAX in the United States. The series followed an aspiring angel who for some reason, will not be able to enter
heaven yet, but is assigned to guide someone who has died prematurely. The prematurely deceased, played by the episode guest stars, may choose from the afterlife
to correct something that went wrong earlier in their life. The key concept to the series was that each episode featured a different guest star in the leading role, while
the series regulars rather played a supporting role. Episodes were centered on an individual person who had reached the end of their life in one timeline, and due to
circumstances seen by their advocate and judge, is then given 3 days to travel into their past, and without revealing their true identity, convince their younger self to
make a different choice at a pivotal point to effect a different outcome for example, by quitting smoking, or choosing a different job and in changing this learn a key lesson on how to make
them become a better person. This way, the series was an anthology of many different arenas and characters. Season One featured Gordie Brown as advocate Mr. Jones, and Paul Popowich played the role of advocate Mr. Smith in Season Two. Al Waxman played Judge Othniel in 42 of the 44 episodes, replaced for two episodes of Season One by Polly Bergen as Judge Deborah. Waxman died in heart surgery on January 18, 2001, while the second season was airing.