The Parent 'Hood was an American television sitcom series that aired on The WB from January 18, 1995 to July 25, 1999, lastig four seasons. The show starred Robert
Townsend and Suzzanne Douglas. Originally meant to be titled Father Knows Nothin, the series was picked as one of the four sitcoms that aired as part of the original
Wednesday-night two-hour lineup that helped launch The WB network. The plot of the series revolved around the Peterson family, an upper-middle-class black family
living in Harlem, New York City. Robert Peterson (Robert Townsend) is a respected college professor at New York University and his wife Jerri (Suzzanne Douglas) is a
law student, and together they are trying to balance their lives, their work, as well as their four kids. The eldest two, 16-year-old Michael (Kenny Blank) and 15-year-old
Zaria (Reagan Gomez-Preston), are eager to spread their wings, experiment, and avoid being seen with their not-so-quite-cool parents. Nicholas (Curtis Williams) is a
bright-eyed 8-year-old who has discovered the joys of mischief, and 4-year-old Cece (Ashli Amari Adams) is the darling of the family. Robert's childhood buddy Wendell (Faizon Love) offers
his own unique viewpoint on situations. Robert's love for his kids, combined with his vivid imagination, prompting frequent fantasy sequences, and impulsive energy, propels him to do extraordinary things on their behalf as he continually dreams up nontraditional solutions to traditional family problems. Many critics from news organizations such as the Associated Press
and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution often referred to the show as The Cosby Show of the 1990s.