Out Of This World was an American television fantasy sitcom series about a teenage girl who is half alien, which gives her unique superhuman powers. It first aired in
syndication from September 17, 1987 and ended on May 25, 1991. The series revolved around Evie Ethel Garland - a young girl who lived with her mother in Marlowe,
California, in a house overlooking the sea. She was an only child and attended a school for gifted children, ran by her mother, and achieves good grades. Her mother
had always told Evie that her father was a secret agent, but on her thirteenth birthday Evie developed superhuman abilities. It was then revealed that her father was
in fact a native of another planet. Evie's most frequently-used power was her ability to freeze time on Earth by touching her index-fingertips together. This allowed her
to alter the course of Earthly events by maneuvering herself and/or others as desired. When she clapped her hands together, time resumed as normal. She could also unfreeze individuals by touching them while time is frozen. She later gained the power to gleep, which allowed her to manifest objects using only her mind. Her father described her as the
perfect child: loving, caring, with the same needs of most teenagers. The series followed Evie through her teenage years, from her thirteenth birthday in the pilot to her eighteenth birthday
in the final episode. After four seasons, the series ended on a cliffhanger: Troy came to visit and Donna took his place by accident, ending up on Antares Prime while Troy was stranded on
Earth. Although she was the leading character, Maureen Flannigan was billed last in the credits.
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